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Inglewood - 68 Wall St. Built in 1909 it was a hospital for mother and babies up until 1940. Pictured here is Nurse Agnes Yates, it was her home and dream to open such an established. Today Maree and Kevin, the current owners and CDHS volunteers, are adding the property and its history to our catalogue.Image attachmentImage attachment+1Image attachment

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Is this also known as Sister Banksia’s private hospital too?

I have happy memories of this house. I was a regular visitor in the late 1940s and 1950s when it was the home of Harry Rooney (Shire Engineer) and his family. There was a cattle pit to negotiate (long jump over) to access the driveway.

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which Hately was it??

Camperdown State School 99 years ago! 1926... both photos are supposedly grade 6 of that year. Family names include; Fenton, McNichol, Adeney, Hately, Jehu, Woodmason... and more. Kevin and Maree are in cataloging mode 😃Image attachmentImage attachment+2Image attachment

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My father, Alex "Jim" Batson (1916-1992) pictured. He's a sixth-grader, the blonde in the front row. The Batson family lived at 8 Brooke Street.

I have a scanned copy of my great grandfather's school completion certificate from 1880

My great Aunt is in this photo. Would love to see if there are more school photos as we have a big family.

Arnold Hately born 18/04/1914? I have sent an email ☺️

Roslyn Baker Nigel Bateman Keith Bateman Allan Bateman

The Society has just today received an interesting donation of many things relating to the Holm family of Camperdown. Hans Petersen Holm emigrated from Denmark in 1911 to run the Casein Plant at Camperdown Butter Factory and, among other things in the donated suitcase, there are photographs, arrival documents and naturalisation papers. Hans was a keen amateur taxidermist and was responsible for the case of birds which is on display at the Heritage Centre. #camperdown3260 #camperdownhistoryImage attachment

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The birds are fantastic

memories are forever

We found a photo of our back garden from August 2021 - Maree, Maureen and Sue posing in front of the new planting in the Heritage Centre back yard. So we took another photo today – three and a half years later – and what a difference! Sue wasn’t in so Bob took her place, and that was very appropriate because he was a prime mover in the design of the garden.

Then we looked in our records and found what it looked like a year or so earlier, when the centrepiece of the garden was a large, cold and very dirty red brick toilet block! Wow! That’s what we call an improvement! #camperdownheritagecentre #camperdownhistoricalsociety #history3260Image attachmentImage attachment
Today our January newsletter was published. If you are a member please check your emails or keep an eye on the post :)

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Become a member of CDHS and we add you to the email and/or postal list for the newsletter 🙂

I would like to subscribe to your newsletter, how would I go about this please.. ?

How do we become members? I have an elderly mother who used to live in this district. 😊

Clever name for your paper.

Following up on the glass slide acquisition...Image attachmentImage attachment+3Image attachment
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